When it cames to 3...

I remember, three years ago 16 February 2005
Ob came to my life
and it was a greatest thing happened in my life.
Time flies so fast, today he is three years old.
Every moment in my life,
I pray that Ob will grow up strong, healthy and is obedient to God.
Happy Belated Birthday Ob!

When Ob's celebrated his 1st birthday, we put a small announcement on his invitation that we wanted his friends to give him bath stuff for his present. We got so many toothpaste and soaps... But it has still been in the big box for 2 years. My mom then bought toothbrushes and we put them in plastic bags. Gosh we should do something with those! Yes, we need longer to find the right Panti to deliver the stuff. Many Panti Asuhan not only in Jakarta but here in Bogor just 10 minutes from our place, There is a nice old Dutch house with a big yard Panti Asuhan (asuhan GPIB Zebaot) but it is not what we are looking for. The one that really needs help, the one that doesn't have a sponsor... So it's not as easy as you imagine. It takes time man!

Finaly we got it!
Panti Asuhan Bersinar is a right Panti I want!

So on his birthday, Saturday 16 February 2008 we went to Ciracas to Panti Asuhan Bersinar to celebrite OB's 3rd Birthday. Together with his friends such as Kayla, Grand, Sally, Intan, Timi, Tania and Yudit, they were laugh, sang, played with the children in Panti Asuhan Bersinar. All together there are 32 children in Panti Asuhan Bersinar not all came to the party more less 20 children, some stil in the school. Ada juga 3 kakak pengasuh tetap, 2 kakak pengasuh praktek dan ibu asrama sementara bapak asrama lagi pergi (cari dana kali yah...) tapi tidak lama beliau datang dan bergabung dengan kita.

Gideon membawa acara ultah dengan menarik, anak-anak suka dengan lagu yang ada gerakannya padahal sudah jam 1 dan belum makan siang tapi mereka enjoy saja. Papa ani - Om Simon lalu bercerita sedikit tentang alkitab tidak lama, kemudian berdoa dan makan bersama. Wah asyik banget dengan kebersamaan ini, semua makan nasi kotak yang kita bawa dari rumah. Semua makan dan suasana jadi sepi hahahaha.... ternyata lapar juga yah.

Ada Performs dance dari anak panti yang sudah gedean, interesting! Selanjutnya ada acara games, yang salah dapat hukuman juga hadiah. Seru banget, anak-anak kecil dan besar semua ikutan. Awalnya Ob ikutan juga sampai akhirnya dia melirik hadiah dari Intan.

The sad part of the party was when they sang a Happy Birthday. It was a different version of the birthday song you heard before. There was a lyric like... something something....happy birthday Robert. Believe me, it made me soooo sad. No one knows there was a tear in my eyes... Dengan segela keterbatasan yang ada, they tried to give something to my 3rd years old son.


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