No one there but him

Don't you hate when your friend(s) says:
that they'll always be there for you
and when you need them,
the most they're not there?

Happens to me all the time, also tonight. When I knew that my son's name not on the list of Grade 1 but still on Reception, I was panic.

I wanted to call my friend but ...
then I talked to my mom but she didn't put attention on my me...
my brother looked busy with his things.

Than I came to my son talked to him how if he still in Reception when all his friends in Grade 1.
I know, I suppose not saying this to my son but I just need someone to talk to...

Lucky me, my husband who now in Vietnam answered my email and made me made me calm. Lately Melani from the office sent message said sorry she did some mistake. My son is in Grade 1.

My husband said: ... see you should not panic...

That my husband is my best friend?
I hope he is since our relationship is going better and better...

Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened!
Dr. Seus


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