You Chiken!


As you know I am not happy about OB eating the unhealthy kind of food provided by catering at ISB. I would prefer he bring lunch from home every day so we can give him healthier food. On Saturday Kristof & Rina came to the villa with their friends. The other mom was very dissatisfied with the unhealthy food served to kids at ISB. Perhaps I will make an issue about this one day at a parents' meeting.

Now he said, unhealthy food its not an issue to stop Robert's catering lunch. Hahahahaha... takut dicecer sama ibu2 ISB lo ye .... but I still forward this email to them. Rasain deh lu!

I took the photo when me, Mintje and Wendy had lunch at Margo. Didn't really like it .... too much mayonnaise but I like to see it on the picture, look yummy!  


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