Say No to Nicotine!

Seriously, this is the time for me to quit smoking!!
I have been coughing since 3 days ago, getting worst in the night time. I didn't sleep well for the last 3 days. Cigarette used to be my best friend especially during my difficult time, he was always there for me no mater what but now hes became an enemy! Really!!! it was never really my friend. I just addicted to the nicotine,  I am tired and I want to have a better life... much healthy.
*thank you for supporting me love*

5 Days ago
I smoked... one and one and one and ,,,

A week ago
I missed the enjoyment of smoking. I was on a year giving up and i really believed I had the willpower to stay quit. I straggled everyday not to smoke and need it badly after meals or when I was in the bad mood. I keep asking my self if was I really ready to relinquish it for good?


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