Never Be Alone

Saya punya banyak teman, siapa saja bisa saya jadikan teman dari berbagai kalangan dan tingkat pendidikan.

But when it comes to close friends. hmmm.... its completely  different. Yes,  I am very choosy when it comes to making close friends. Until around November 2017 I think when I started to hang out with these girls Ika, Astri and Merry.  I very much enjoy spending time with them. We share laugh and cry together and they always there during my ups and downs. I feel connected in so many ways.  I know I have been waiting for so long to say that finally I found my best friends.

The friends that stick by you through the sunshine and storms...
these are the friends to hang on to

Sometimes, eating and talking with your befriends, is all the the therapy you need.


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