Creamed Spinach Mac & Cheese


Pasta. I really love pasta 😍
I like pasta that is easy and quick to prepare so I can eat it straight away. To make pasta healthier and not feel guilty after eating because of the large amount of cheese and milk, I add spinach. Apart from that, as an Indonesian, I add chili powder for a spicy taste. If you don't have chili powder, you can use fresh chilies and finely slice them.

Pasta. Saya suka sekali pasta 😍
Saya suka pasta yang gampang dan cepat diolahnya supaya bisa langsung makan. Supaya lebih sehat dan tidak merasa berdosa setelah makan karena keju dan susu yang banyak, saya tambahkan bayam. Selain itu yang makan orang Indonesia maka saya tambahkan bubuk cabe supaya ada rasa pedesnya. Kalau gak punya bubuk cabe bisa pakai cabe fresh dan diiris halus.

Because I usually make Mac & Cheese, I didn't realize that I was currently cooking something different. After adding the pasta, I saw the spinach 😁 so I added the it last, luckily the spinach I used was the type for salads, it doesn't need to be cooked and it's okay.

Saya karena bisanya buat Mac & Cheese, saya gak sadar kalau saat ini lagi masak Creamed Spinach Mac & Cheese. Setelah masukin pasta baru saya lihat bayam 😁jadi masukin bayam malah paling belakangan deh, Untungnya bayam yang saya pakai jenis yang untuk salad, gak perlu dimasak pun tidak apa-apa.

You can use any type of pasta. Remember, don't boil the pasta until it is soft because it will be mixed again with the cheese sauce and that will make the pasta softer. If you boil it too soft, it will become even more mushy when you mix it.

Pasta bisa pakai jenis apa saja. Perlu diingat jangan rebus pasta sampai lembek karena akan dicampur lagi dengan saus keju dan itu akan membuat pasta lebih lembut. Kalau terlalu lembek direbus, saat dicampur akan makin blenyek.

If you don't have parmesan or mozzarella cheese, you can use cheddar cheese.

Kalau tidak punya keju parmesan dan mozarella bisa pakai keju cheddar.

Happy Cooking / Selamat mencoba.
Jackie | Balaclava


Pasta / Pasta
4 tbsp butter or olive oil / 4 sdm mentega atau minyak oil
3 garlic, finely chopped / 3 bawang putih, iris halus
1/4 cup flour / 1/4 cup terigu
3 cups milk / 3 cup susu
salt / garam
pepper / lada
chicken or mushroom powder / kaldu bubuk
ground nutmeg / bubuk pala
chili powder or 2 finely sliced ​​chilies / bubuk cabe atau 2 cabe diris halus
enough spinach leaves / secukupnya daun bayam
Mozarella cheese / keju Mozarella
Parmesan cheese / keju Parmesan

1. Heat a pot filled with salted water, once it boils, add the pasta. Cook until al dente or according to package instructions. Be careful not to get too soft. Remove from the heat and strain the pasta Set aside.

Panaskan pot berisi air yang diberi garam, setelah mendidih masukkan pasta. Masak hingga al dente atau sesuai petunjuk kemasan. Awas jangan kelembekan. Saring. Sisihkan

2. Meanwhile, heat a pan and saute the garlic, add the flour. Stir until smooth, about 1 minute
Sementara itu panaskan panci dan tumis bawang putih, masukkan terigu. Aduk sampai rata kira-kira 1 menit.

3. Pour in the milk little by little while continuing to stir until the flour doesn't clump. Reduce the heat on the stove while continuing to pour in the milk and stir.

Tuang susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk hingga tepung tidak menggumpal. Kecilkan api kompor sambil terus menuangkan susu dan aduk.

4. Add salt, pepper, Chicken or Mashroom powder, nutmeg powder and chili powder. 
Tambahkan garam, lada, kaldu bubuk, pala bubuk dan cabe bubuk. Koreksi rasanya

5. Add spinach and mix well.
Masukkan bayam dan campur rata.

6. Add the cheese and stir well until the cheese melts
Masukkan Keju dan aduk rata hingga keju meleleh.

7. Add the pasta and cook for about 2 minutes. Remove and sprinkle with cheese or chili powder.
Masukkan pasta dan masak sebentar kira-kira 2 menit. Angkat dan sajikan dengan tambahan keju jika suka atau bubuk cabe.


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