Biji Ketapang

When I lived in Depok, in front of my parents' house was the house of Mama Keke and her family. They already lived there before we came in 1981. I grew up, went to college, worked, married, and lived in another city. I came to my parents' house and stayed with my son for a few days.

Sometimes I wake up with the aroma of freshly baked cookies coming in through my kitchen window. Thinking back I remember she always gave a plastic of Biji Ketapang to my son since he was little and to be honest..serious yum. Never could get enough of them.

My son loves it but I never had the desire to make it myself. The reason is that I live where traditional Indonesian food is so easy to get. It's different if we live abroad where Indonesian food is hard to find, even if it is available it's expensive and the portions are limited. Like it or not, I have to learn to make it myself and this is a positive thing that makes me able to cook. 


12 tbsp flour / 12 sdm Tepung terigu protein sedang 
1 egg / 1 Telur
3 tbsp butter - 50 gr / 3 sdm Mentega - 50 gr
4 tbsp sugar / 4 sdm Gula
a pinch of sugar / sedikit Garam
4 tbsp grated coconut / 4 sdm Kelapa parut
coconut milk, pour in little by little until the dough can be formed / santan, tuangkan sedikit2 sampai bisa dibentuk saja
1 vanila / 1 vanili

Beat eggs. Add butter, sugar, salt and vanilla. Then stir the ingredients.

Kocok telur. Masukkan mentega, gula, garam, dan vanili. Lalu aduk bahan-bahan tersebut.

Mix the flour and grated coconut at the end, so that the ingredients in the first step are mixed perfectly.

Campurkan tepung dan parutan kelapa di akhir, supaya bahan-bahan pada langkah pertama tercampur secara sempurna.

Shape the finished dough into an elongated round shape and using scissor cut at an angle. Don't forget to sprinkle flour on a baking sheet or plate.

Bentuk adonan yang telah selesai dibuat menjadi bentuk bulat memanjang dan potong dengan menyerong. Jangan lupa beri terigu diwadah. 

Fry the finished dough until browned.

Goreng adonan yang telah selesai dibentuk hingga kecoklatan.


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