Creamy Macaroni

Today is cloudy and rainy, temperature 19°C.  I wanted to eat pasta, my comfort food but with a different recipe.  I still have leftover Bolognese sauce because we had spaghetti Bolognese for dinner last night.

I decided to make Macaroni Balls but it failed before I made the balls. While cooking, I tasted it and it turned out to be really delicious. I did not expect it to taste as good as it did When it was done, I took a spoonful to taste again and I couldn't stop until I had finished eating it 😁This macaroni is really delicious.

If you make spaghetti Bolognese, leave some of the meat sauce for this recipe, you won't be disappointed.  Other options if you have meatballs or sausages you can use it and don't forget to add cheese too.  

The dish turned out to be delicious

Jackie | Balaclava 


200 gr macaroni
350 ml milk / 350 ml susu cair
4 tbsp meat Bolognese sauce / 4 sdm daging saus Bolognese
4 tbsp flour / 4 sdm terigu
1 onion, finely chopped / 1 bawang bombay, cincang halus
2 cloves of garlic, crushed / 2 bawang putih, cincang halus
1 or 2 chili, chopped / 1 atau 2 cabe, iris halus
2 tablespoons margarine for frying / 2 sdm margarine untuk menumis
To taste salt, pepper powder and stock powder / secukupnya garam, lada. kaldu bubuk
to taste ground nutmeg / secukupnya pala bubuk

Boil water and put the macaroni in a pan according to the packaging instructions. Lift, drain.
Rebus makaroni dalam panci sesuai aturan kemasan. Angkat, tiriskan.

Heat margarine, saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Add the leftover Bolognese sauce and stir well. Add flour, and stir until lumpy.
Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay, bawang putih dan cabe sampai wangi. Masukkan daging Bolognese, aduk rata. Tambahkn terigu, aduk sampai bergerindil.

Reduce the heat on the stove. Add the milk little by little while stirring. Add salt, nutmeg powder, stock powder and ground pepper and taste it.
Kecilkan api kompor, masukkan susu cair sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk. Beri garam, kaldu bubuk dan lada bubuk, cicipi rasanya.

Add the macaroni, stir until the sauce thickens and combines with the macaroni. Let it warm.
Masukkan makaroni, aduk sampai kuah mengental dan menyatu dengan makaroni. Biarkan hangat.


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