Curried Rissoles

Today Sinyo didn't bring sandwiches or pastries but Tasty Curry & Coriander Rissoles as snacks. Rissoles is a popular street food in Indonesia, sold by street vendors. This time I made curry-flavored rissoles. If you’re tired of plain old rissoles, this recipe might work for you. Curry powder and chili add an extra bit of kick to the usual potato, rice noodles, onion and sausage covered in breadcrumbs. They are then deep-fried to golden perfection.

Other Rissoles recipes I made:
Please have a try,  you won't disappointed. I believe you will love it as I do.

Jackie | Balaclava

1 potato, peeled
1/2 onion (diced)
1 tbsp curry powder
2 chili, chop
rice noodles
3 sausages, cut into peaces 
a handful of peas

Skin / Kulit Dadar
250 grams of flour / 250 gram terigu
2 tbsp cornstarch / 2 sdm tepung maizena
4 tbsp oil / 4 sdm minyak goreng
600 ml water / 600 air
a pinch of salt / sedikit garam
2 eggs / 2 telur

a bowl containing beaten 2 eggs / 2 telur letakkan dalam mangkuk dan kocok 
a bowl filled with bread flour / tepung roti secukupnya letakan dalam mangkuk

1. Heat up a skillet and add the oil. Saute the onion until aromatic before adding the potatoes. Mix well  and give some water and keep cooking until the potatoes become soft. 
2. Add green peas, sausage, curry powder, chili, seasoning, and salt. Cook for a few minutes. 
3. Add rice noodles and mix well. 
4. Remove from the skillet and let cool.

5. For the skin, combine all the ingredients and stir with a balloon whisk, make sure is smooth without any flour grits, if necessary, sift it.
Untuk kulitnya campur semua bahan lalu aduk dengan ballon whip pastikan halus tanpa ada butiran tepung, bila perlu ayak.

6. Heat the pan on low to medium heat. Wait until the pan is hot. Pour the Rissole skin batter in. Swirl to even the spread. Cook for a bit. Release the skin from the pan with a spatula and transfer to a plate.

Panaskan wajan dengan api kecil hingga sedang. Tunggu hingga wajan panas. Tuang adonan kulit Rissol. Aduk hingga olesan merata. Masak sebentar. Lepaskan kulit dari wajan dengan spatula dan pindahkan ke piring.

7. Scoop 1 heaping teaspoon of the filling and place at the top center part of a piece of wrapper. Brush the outer edges of the wrapper with the egg white and fold,

9. Dip it in the egg then the breadcrumbs to coat.
Celupkan di kocokan telur kemudian masukkan ke mangkuk berisi tepung roti.

10. Deep fry the Rissoles until golden brown. Drain on paper towels once cooked then serve with chili. 
Goreng Rissoles hingga berwarna cokelat keemasan. Tiriskan di atas tisu setelah matang lalu sajikan dengan cabai.


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