Christmas 2023

Today is Boxing Day, Christmas has already passed one day. My son, sent me Xmas messages yesterday, We tried to make a video call with several family members, but the time difference between Michigan, Melbourne, Jakarta and Ambon, until now we have not succeeded in making a video call. Apart from that, Andre only had 1 day off at Christmas and on December 26 he returned to work, Robert went to work on Wednesday December 27. So that's it, it's a bit difficult to arrange the time but hopefully we can meet online in the new year.

Meishia came on Saturday and brought us Christmas gifts. We just opened the gift today and it was 2 boxes of chocolates and a book that Sinyo has to write a story in and return to her maybe at Christmas next year. The name of the book is....

We didn't go anywhere for Christmas this year, practically staying at Melbourne because of the rain and thunderstorms since Sunday the 24th and the weather has been cold until today. But this morning we were lucky the weather was a little nice and we went shopping at Grand Laguna Hawtown.


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