Healty Relationship

Written as part of an 801 partner visa assignment, Nature of the household. This statement will help prove that our relationship is genuine and sustainable.

This section is to show that you and your partner fulfill the requirement of cohabitation and to demonstrate how your household functions. You can illustrate this through any proof of how you share the general responsibilities around your home. Grocery shopping and general household tasks, who does the cleaning, shared bedroom etc.

A healthy relationship is like a rope. The entwined threads can either be sturdy or frayed. The rope stays strong and supportive as we both reach and climb upward together. But with too much stress, the threads can become twisted and frayed, the rope weakens, and gradually our relationship starts to fall apart.

Our relationship is entering 6 years next year. We already know each other's characteristics. We are still learning to complement each other. However, on a more subtle level, having a partner who complements you, rather than sharing your thinking style and all your best skills, can be a beneficial, enjoyable aspect of a long-term relationship.

Starting vs. finishing tasks. Sinyo is good at starting tasks, but I am good at finishing them. I get overwhelmed about where to start with large tasks, whereas my partner doesn't. However, he often runs out of energy and enthusiasm before completing multi-day tasks. For example, he suddenly had a spectacular idea to change the position of items such as tables, chairs, etc. in the house. He started first and then I continued the work he had done until it was finished while he lay down.

Details vs. details big picture. I really focus on details like planning trips, and saving money. everything must be on schedule. Meanwhile, Sinyo looks more at the big idea of ​​traveling and doesn't really care about how much money will be spent on holidays and on tickets or staying at a good hotel. But I would have a hard time starting something new while sinyo easy to try new things. Like creating a new food recipe. I want all the details thought out and worked out before starting, which can make starting too overwhelming. Meanwhile, Sinyo likes to be creative and create new things.


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