Chicken Curry

Today for Christmas Eve dinner, I’m cooking the best SIMPLE chicken curry that I know.  This dish could be called Chicken Curry in a Hurry because it's so quick and easy to put together! Fork tender potato bites, juicy, lean chicken breast, and sweet peas are a killer combo for a curry. Served over a bed of jasmine rice, it's a comforting dish that explodes with flavor. We've got you covered!

This recipe is a Western style curry – it’s not a traditional Indian curry, Thai curry, nor any other cuisine. And here’s why you’re going to love it as much as I do. I got the recipe from Nagi, my trusted cook. So far I tried her 2 recipes and I am happy with the result. 

I made some small changes, instead of using coconut milk, I replaced it with sticky cream, because I still had leftovers in the fridge. if you use coconut milk, Nagi suggests Full fat has better coconut flavour and is creamier. Light is ok but add 2 tsp cornflour mixed with splash of water (to thicken sauce slightly). If she adds coconut milk at the beginning with  water (or chicken stock), I decided to do it latter before the end of cooking.  Oya, I also didn't have chicken stock so I used water + chicken seasoning. 

So that's it, Christmas dinner this year, we didn't eat steak but ate chicken curry with rice and the most important thing was Sinyo really liked it.

Merry Christmas!
Jackie | Balaclava


oil / minyak
2 garlic cloves, minced / 2 siung bawang putih, cincang
a thumb of ginger grated / sejempol jahe, parut
1/2 onion, finely chopped / 1/2 bawang bombay, cincang halus
250g chicken thighs / 250 gr paha ayam
3 tbsp curry powder / 3 sdm bubuk kari
270 ml coconut milk or 250 tick cream / 270 ml santan atau 250ml tick cream
1.5 cup (375ml) water or chicken stock / 1,5 gelas air (375 ml) atau air kaldu ayam
chicken seasoning / kaldu bubuk ayam
a pinch of salt / sejumput garam
1 potato / 1 kentang
3/4 cup frozen peas / 3/4 cangkir kacang polong beku - optimal
coriander powder or if you have fresh one will be good / bubuk ketumbar atau kalau punya yang segar juga enak

1. Heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Cook garlic, ginger and onion for 3 minutes until onion is translucent.

Panaskan minyak dalam wajan dengan api sedang. Masak bawang putih, jahe, dan bawang bombay selama 3 menit hingga bawang bombay bening.

2. Add chicken and cook until it it changes from pink to white.

Masukkan ayam dan masak hingga berubah warna dari merah jambu menjadi putih.

3. Add curry powder and cook for 2 minutes. Add water (or chicken stock), potato and seasoning. Stir, lower heat to medium and cook, simmering rapidly, for 10 minutes until sauce reduces and thickens.

Tambahkan bubuk kari dan masak selama 2 menit. Tambahkan air (atau air kaldu ayam), kentang dan kaldu bubuk. Aduk, kecilkan api dan masak, biarkan mendidih dengan cepat, selama 10 menit.

5. Add peas, coconut milk (or tick cream), salt. Cook for a further 2 minutes, then taste to see if it needs more salt. Serve over rice, noodles or mashed potato  Garnish with coriander.

Tambahkan kacang polong, santan (atau krim kental) dan garam. Masak lagi selama 2 menit, lalu cicipi apakah perlu lebih banyak garam. Masak hingga saus mengental. Sajikan di atas nasi, mie atau kentang tumbuk. Hiasi dengan ketumbar.


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