Rissoles Rougut

The day before the party at school I decided to make Rissole Rougut as a savory snack besides Nastar which is a sweet cookie that I had made a few days before. I know some of my friends already going back to China for the Summer holiday, so I made just 1 recipe which makes 22 Rissole.

Rissoles also need to be fried using lots of oil or deep fry technique. This method can help the Rissoles dough cook quickly and evenly into the filling but doesn't cause a lot of loose breadcrumbs. Don't forget after being coated in breadcrumbs, the rissoles must be placed in the freezer for at least 30 minutes or more so that the breadcrumbs stick to the skin of the rissoles and don't come off when fried.

This is my way to introduce Indonesia to my friends from other countries, through food.

Jackie | Balaclava


1/2 Onion / 1/2 Bawang Bombay
3 Garlic / 3 Bawang putih
1 Potato, cut into small pieces / 1 Kentang, potong kecil
Carrots, cut into small pieces / wortel, potong kecil (this time I run out of it)
3 Sausages, cut into small pieces / 3 Sosis, potong kecil
Peas - if you have them / Peas - jika punya
chicken powder or mushrooms powder / kaldu ayam atau kaldu jamur

Butter / mentega
3 tbsp Flour / 3 sdm terigu
250 ml Milk / 250 ml susu 
Nutmeg / pala
Ground pepper / lada 
chicken or mushroom powder / kaldu ayam atau jamur
a pinch of  salt / sedikit garam

Skin / Kulit Dadar
250 grams of flour / 250 gram terigu
2 tbsp cornstarch / 2 sdm tepung maizena
4 tbsp oil / 4 sdm minyak goreng
400 ml milk / 400 ml susu 
260 ml water / 260 air
a pinch of salt / sedikit garam
2 eggs / 2 telur

a bowl containing beaten 2 eggs / 2 telur letakkan dalam mangkuk dan kocok 
a bowl filled with bread flour / tepung roti secukupnya letakan dalam mangkuk

1. Saute the onion and garlic until fragrant. Add sausage, potatoes, carrots and peas if you have them. Add mushroom stock and a little water and cook until the potatoes are soft and the water has reduced. Lift.
Tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai harum. Masukkan sosis, kentang, wortel dan peas jika punya. Beri kaldu jamur dan sedikit air dan masak hingga kentang empuk dan air menyusut. Angkat.

2. Saute the butter until it melts. Add the flour, stir well. Pour in the liquid milk while continuing to stir until it becomes creamy.
Tumis butter/mentega hingga mencair. Masukkan terigu, aduk rata.Tuang susu cair sambil terus diaduk hingga menjadi creamy.

3. Add ground nutmeg, ground pepper, mushroom stock and salt. Stir well. Add sausage. sauteed carrots and potatoes. Stir until evenly mixed.

Masukkan pala bubuk, merica bubuk, kaldu jamur dan garam. Aduk rata. Masukkan sosis. wortel dan kentang yang telah ditumis. Aduk hingga tercampur rata. Angkat. 

4. For the skin, combine all the ingredients and stir with a balloon whisk, make sure is smooth without any flour grits, if necessary, sift it.

Campur semua bahan kulit. Pastikan adonan licin tanpa grindil terigu, kalau perlu disaring.

5. Heat the pan on low to medium heat. Wait until the pan is hot. Pour the Rissole skin batter in. Swirl to even the spread. Cook for a bit. Release the skin from the pan with a spatula and transfer to a plate.

Buat dadar dengan menuang ke pan anti lengket. Angkat dan selesaikan semua dadar gulung.

6. Fold the skin.

Ambil kulit dadar beri isian rogut, lipat.

7. Dip it in the egg then the breadcrumbs to coat. Store in the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour.

Celupkan di kocokan telur kemudian masukkan ke mangkuk berisi tepung roti. Simpan di freezer 30 menit - 1 jam

8. Remove from the freezer. Heat some oil and fry the Rissole until golden brown. 

Keluarkan dari kulkas. panaskan pengorengan dan goreng hingga kekuningan.

9. Rissole Rougut is ready to serve.


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