Sticky Chicken Wings for His Bday

There is nothing better than a friend who makes himself available to accompany you in life, to be your companion through life in this world. The portrait of our lives is that we met at a mature age and agreed to share our lives, continuing our journey forward. TOGETHER. He is the person I love and loves me too, and knows how to keep love alive until death do us part someday. 

Our life is a wonderful journey. 

Sinyo Loupatty, I am so honored to be your friend and partner in life. Watching you learn new things at the age of 66 and begin a new chapter as a Teachnisan is nothing short of awe-inspiring! Happy Birthday my love. You have always said that it's time to retire. Maybe it's time for you to enjoy your life more.

Birthday is celebration and we want to celebrate with family. All day I have been preparing the meal: Salad, Spaghetti Bolognese, Rendang, Sticky Chicken Wings and Carrot cake for dessert. I have cooked sticky chicken wings over and over again and am very satisfied with the results. But this time I didn't use coconut water because I didn't have any at home. 

7.30 PM Meishia came to have dinner with us. I didn't have time to take a photo. She had come and I was still roasting the chicken. Unlike in Indonesia where we can serve food cold and no one protests, here they prefer food fresh from the oven or just cooked.


Jackie | Balaclava


Sayap ayam
1 liter air kelapa untuk ungkep ayam - saya pakai air biasa saja
kecap manis
gula palem atau gula merah disisir
garam, lada dan bumbu penyedap secukupnya
Kentang - jika suka

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:
7 buah cabe atau terserah seberapa pedas 
8 butir bawang merah
6 siung bawang putih
2 butir kemiri yang telah disangrai
seruas kunyit
  1. Balurkan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan ke ayam. Remas-remas sebentar. Diamkan kira-kira 20 menit.
  2. Pindahkan ayam ke wajan. Tuang air kelapa, gula merah, kecap manis. garam. lada dan bumbu penyedap. Air sebaiknya menutupi ayam.
  3. Ungkep dan masak dengan api sedang sampai air menyusut tapi jangan habis.
  4. Pindahkan ayam ke loyang. Panggang di oven hingga kuahnya mulai kering. Bolak balik ayam supaya terkena kuahnya dan kentang matang.
  5. Angkat dan sajikan dengan sisa kuah.


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